英日字典: spread_out
The spread_out has 7 Senses.
- spread out, diffuse, fan out, spread
- 廓大, 郭大, 開展, 発散, 弘まる, 拡がる, 散る, 広まる, 拡大, 伝搬, 広がる, 伝播, 延びる, 拡散, 散開
- move outward; "The soldiers fanned out"
- 外側に動く
- string out, spread out
- 列ねる, 一列に並べる
- set out or stretch in a line, succession, or series; "the houses were strung out in a long row"
- 線、継承またはシリーズを開始する、または伸びる
- spread out, scatter, spread
- ばら蒔く, 撒布, 扱き散らす, 撒き散らす, 振撒く, 撒きちらす, 撒散す, 振りまく, 散蒔く, 撒く, 散らばす, 撒散らす, 扱散らす, まき散らす, 散布, 振り撒く
- strew or distribute over an area; "He spread fertilizer over the lawn"; "scatter cards across the table"
- 領域上に撒き散らす、またはばらまく
- spread out, expand
- 膨張, 廓大, 脹れる, 郭大, 張る, 脹む, 膨れ上る, 膨む, 張り出す, 脹らむ, 広まる, 広ぐ, 伸びる, 拡大, 広がる, ふくれ上がる, 脹れ上がる, 延びる, 膨れあがる, 膨大, 膨れ上がる, 伸展, 伸張, 膨れる, 膨らむ, 展延, 膨脹, 展開
- extend in one or more directions; "The dough expands"
- 1つまたはそれ以上の方向に伸ばす
- rotate, spread out, splay, turn out
- turn outward; "These birds can splay out their toes"; "ballet dancers can rotate their legs out by 90 degrees"
- 外側に向きを変える
- disperse, spread out, dissipate, scatter
- 散乱, 散じる, 散ずる, 散る, 分散, 散らばる, 四散, 散開
- move away from each other; "The crowds dispersed"; "The children scattered in all directions when the teacher approached";
- 互いに離れる
- spread out, unfold, open, spread
- 広げる, おっ開く, 拡げる, 打ち開く
- spread out or open from a closed or folded state; "open the map"; "spread your arms"
- 閉じたか包まれた状態から散開するか開く
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